So I was wondering what you guys play and if we can play some vidya.
R: 17 / I: 5
Favorite RPG?
favorite RPG? western or otherwise , ..mine is the elderscrolls series, ..morrowind to be specific
R: 35 / I: 3 Favorite Vidya OST
R: 0 / I: 0 Anybody here play Crusader Kings 2? I'm looking for mod recommendations
R: 9 / I: 8
Recommendation Thread
Format: If you like A and B, you will like C I like X and Y, what else would I like?
And then Z would be given, starting a new post. Like that.
I like: Quake Half-Life Counter-Strike
What else would I like?
R: 25 / I: 10
First Person Shooters
Does anybody here like fps as much as I do? I'm on a quest to play all the good fps out there. That's your favourite rooty-tooty-point 'n' shooty game? Do you have any obscure and forgotten fps to suggest that I might have missed in my list?
R: 16 / I: 5
Steam group anyone?
Hey, W-we should get together and play gaems on steam. t-that would be cool
R: 2 / I: 1 Do you guys ever get the urge to just drive forever along an endless highway? i keep having weird dreams about journeying down a beautiful road absorbing the rich oranges just as the sun is beginning to set and feeling the cool ocean spray on my face.
i want to start playing driving games to relax and im having trouble tracking down games where i can throw on some music and just *drive*
so far i've played a little outrun and drift stage im having trouble finding the right flavour of "waxy" and "dreamlike" that im hunting for.
TL;DR recommendations for relaxing driving games?
R: 21 / I: 12 Have any legitimately good horror games come out recently? I want to be sp00kd
R: 5 / I: 0
The Repopulation
>Snadbox MMO >spiritual successor of SWG >Build your own nation >No levels or classes >Player driven economy
I ain't putting down any dosh yet, but I really want to see this succeed.
Why do people DDoS services or screw with people yearly when all I wanna do is play video games and not have to worry about my bill going through the roof? Why can't we just play games in peace?