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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Looks like a fun puzzle but I don't have time for it rn or while sober.


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This is really hard. Me and a couple friends are on it though. If you're interested in joining our team, encrypt a message to me and post it in the thread (sage plz). https://keybase.io/encrypt#acstubbins


P.S. For people like me that sees no point in duplicating work, this plebbit post has a lot of info. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSleepSleuths/comments/3mutcm/hetake_station_analysis/


Someone made a YouTube video about the site:


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mjau :333


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I've unpacked this OST-Remix with SLADE
but 90% of the titles aren't even tagged or credited.


can somene please tell me the Tracklist?


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how do I get glowing Decal-Effects in Doom?

Where do I get the rune that turns me into a hellknight?

will it run in coop?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk0OLD2hqDg [Embed]

how do I make weapons stay for pickup in coop?


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Doom General belongs on /hell/

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Happy Birthday, Adolf Hitler

Merry Columbine

Blaze it, Sushi Rolls

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Burn in comfort


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Sleep snug, smug.


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Sleep snug, smug.


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sleep snug, smug.


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Sleep snug, smug.


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sleep snug, smug.

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we has a banner nao


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>mfw sushichan is now a cult to Kim Jong Un
>mfw I though it was just for April fools

wow rad
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It is fueled by love and donations. Make more love!


and donations


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it's slow but comfy! It's not ded, it just isn't a "mainstream" chan.


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Don't worry I wasn't complaining ita sempai! I gotta say the korean theme has nice a e s t h e t i c s. Nice job.


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Because you ain't making a thread.



Praise our glorious leader, Kim Jong-un for claiming Sushichan for Communist Revolution. His masterful tactics to liberated the Sushi Rolls from the American Internet went on without resistance.

This show that the American pigs are not as strong as they would want people to believe. Soon all of the Internet will be liberated and live in peace under our glorious leader Kim Jong-un .

He will bring death to the Imperialist American pigs and free the world into a blooming Communist Utopia, under the glorious Kim Jong-un .



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Welcome to Best Chan of Carribean


Are there cute Puerto Rican FemSushi Rolls there?


looking for a hot puertochan puta to have sex with

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