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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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I like Doom too


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I remember when doom was the most badass shit known to gamers.


Brutal Doom looks awesome.
What interface mod is that?


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I've unpacked this OST-Remix with SLADE
but 90% of the titles aren't even tagged or credited.


can somene please tell me the Tracklist?


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how do I get glowing Decal-Effects in Doom?

Where do I get the rune that turns me into a hellknight?

will it run in coop?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk0OLD2hqDg [Embed]

how do I make weapons stay for pickup in coop?


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File: 1461877645551.png (2.74 MB, 1543x5500, 1543:5500, Doom General v6.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

Doom General belongs on /hell/

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