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/arcade/ - vidya gaems

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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1451081263986.jpg (82.18 KB, 498x529, 498:529, shock.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


Why do people DDoS services or screw with people yearly when all I wanna do is play video games and not have to worry about my bill going through the roof? Why can't we just play games in peace?


File: 1451090223060.jpg (39.44 KB, 240x531, 80:177, steam kike.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

Nah, it's mostly steam servers being shit. Every sale there's a shit ton of people online at the same time buying shit, playing shit and sending a shit ton of requests, but they still keep their shitty servers instead of upgrading.


You'd think they would be better than this when they have billions of dollars at their disposal, they aren't some small company anymore that only makes video games.

I'm just very disappointed in them.


You'd think they'd like the consumers releasing a FOSS OS, but they are still tying go with that paid mods bullshit.
They went greedy and now are no different than the average jew big companies.
I try not to use it anymore because of that and go to GOG or HB but there are still those fucking steam-only games.


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