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/arcade/ - vidya gaems

please insert coin
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Hey, W-we should get together and play gaems on steam. t-that would be cool


No gayplay pls, just gameplay.


File: 1443145546025.png (276.76 KB, 690x932, 345:466, 146757658724738241124.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

yes. make one. ill join.


What games would we all ultimately play anyway? Please don't be so hardware demanding, I'm just a poor toaster boy.


Steam is the drm bad time

Pirate for the ever ever

Sometimes a gog


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Is there a steam group? I'd love to join…


I made one!


Hope this works for everyone.


I'll see if I can pull together a better icon.


How does Terraria sound? Maybe?


am a soseki
poor, no premium account
friend me please chummies


I would be up for some Terraria.


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I can buy Terraria if you are planning to play together now that my monthly tugboat arrived


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We never played anything…


The fate of all steam groups are like this; I've just been drinking over the holidays which is why I'm not on all the time.


I have terraria, have you guys started since post?


I'm not the people you're replying to but I'd love to play with you Sushi Roll. I want to replay it but it's so boring by myself.


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I'd be willing to throw up a server.

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