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/arcade/ - vidya gaems

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Remember to keep it cozy!


Favorite Vidya OST



Halo 2 OST - Earth City
uplifting tune


TES III Morrowind OST
that epic


Flyff OST
addiction trigger


>Those memories
thanks anon, so epic


It's also an amazing game.



Electronic goodness.


Particularly When The Night Falls

submerge yourself in the ethereal brohamb


>When the Night Falls


File: 1440181274557.jpg (141.32 KB, 1500x937, 1500:937, neotokyo_support_nsf.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

Neotokyo OST by Ed Harrison is great.


Hands down.



Halloween bump.


When I was in high school my brother and I were obsessed with this game. We had it on a CD in the car and would blast it with the windows down.


*Katamari not Katawa Shoujo. That would be weird.


Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. I love that game.



Great game and OST. I've still never finished the final level. Those mines make me anxious.






File: 1451064262876.webm (3.95 MB, 320x256, 5:4, turrican2ost_traps.webm) ImgOps Google iqdb


That fucking music box…
i cry evry teim

This is DJ Professor K, are you are rocking out to JET SET RADIOOOOO




I bought the game just because putting the disc in a CD player plays the OST.


File: 1457881389164.png (191.69 KB, 640x360, 16:9, driftstage1.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

The Drift Stage OST is fucking rad.
Get ready for the good ol' retro feel.





bastion, soooo good, "wall" and "mother" never fail to make me weep stupid tears





never played a C&C game before, but this is pretty good.

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