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/arcade/ - vidya gaems

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Do you guys ever get the urge to just drive forever along an endless
highway? i keep having weird dreams about journeying down a beautiful road absorbing the rich oranges just as the sun is beginning to set and feeling the cool ocean spray on my face.

i want to start playing driving games to relax and im having trouble tracking down games where i can throw on some music and just *drive*

so far i've played a little outrun and drift stage im having trouble finding the right flavour of "waxy" and "dreamlike" that im hunting for.

TL;DR recommendations for relaxing driving games?


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Test Drive Unlimited and Test Drive Unlimited 2. Can be pretty chill games, you can drive around the whole island without doing anything (it's open world). There are even some chill missions, such as delivering car to a destination without wrecking it and there's no time limit, so you can drive as slow/fast as you like. And also a lot of cars to choose from.


If your okay with driving trucks, Euro Truck Simulator 2 with relaxing music is the closest to "waxy" and "dreamlike" that I can think of.

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