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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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What's the point of having a Japanese sounding name for your imageboard if you don't even have an /a/ or /jp/ board? I remember you faggots use to have an anime board a few months ago. Why'd you git rid of it? Why would you keep your /v/ and /g/ instead?


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Would you raise discussion on those boards? We have /kawaii/ and /lounge/ for that purpose I guess. You're at a sushi bar dear friend. We all /jp/ here.


Start an anime thread on /lounge/, if anime threads get popular, /a/ might get made.
Though I don't think there's a real demand for that. /otaku/ didn't get much love.

/silicon/ is there because we're all nerds. /arcade/ must be the most unloved of the current boards though.


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>>97 I would recommend what >>98 and >>99 said and start an anime / mangoes / Japan thread in >>>/lounge/ or >>>/kawaii/ as anime or Nippon related discussion aren't off-topic there. The /otaku/ board doesn't exist because there just wasn't enough demand to keep it.

If enough interest is shown, a new board will follow.


>We all /jp/ here.
pls don't compare sushichan to some shitty board on 4sux


Haruhi is really hot.


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>/arcade/ must be the most unloved of the current boards though.

Because like /v/, no one wants to discuss vidya.

Made a thread to see if it takes off


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I'm sorry for trying to put my stamp on you.


I like the way boards have more broader themes.


Well that's blatantly wrong. The boards don't cover any topic that isn't offered by other imageboards, and /hell/ is just an excuse to shit yourself in front of others.
None of you are even original in your posts. /tunes/ is just a terrible offshoot of /mu/ without any new content, and /hell/ is not only a septic tank, but it's a cesspool of mediocrity without any of the creamy rants.
There's no point in adding an image that doesn't contribute to the conversation. To use an image to garner attention is just selfish and only really a reasonable tactic if you were posting on /b/.


>None of you are even original in your posts
The website has about ten unique posters. Chill.


I'm sorry for not satisfying your expectations on good posting behavior.


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you seem rather angry. Are you sure another imageboard would suit you better? Maybe somewhere with less people looking to chill out and more willing to continue pointless arguments and hostility.


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>Maybe somewhere with less people looking to chill out and more willing to continue pointless arguments and hostility.
>continue pointless arguments and hostility.

>08/25/15 (Tue) 11:12:58 No.113

>10/04/15 (Sun) 02:01:45 No.163


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You're right. This place was not meant for me.


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This thread is a shit show and OP's question has been answered. Locked.

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