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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Hi guys

I am new here

Can somebody tell me story about how this site came to be
And how community started and grow over the year


File: 1462842139123.jpg (150.23 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 1455468465.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

>Can somebody tell me story about how this site came to be

It started as a server tossed on the side of the road; sitting cold and alone, scared for it's life. Then one day Itamae-Sama cross paths with this little server and decided to give it a home. Itamae ponder in what he should do with the little guy as he drunk away his booze. Suddenly a thought came about his intoxication. "I'll make a website in 6 hours!", he said in drunken gibberish to himself and declared it as a bet. Within the span of 6 hours he birth sushichan, patting himself on the back on how great he is. Over time he began to expand a bit, making the bet into a project; he started making headway into listing his chan on different websites. Fast forward to today, you now have a regular of say 15 users with a new guy coming at least once a week.

>And how community started and grow over the year

Well, everyone that comes here has a different story as to why they are here. My reason was the desire for a smaller chan and a chan that wasn't so full of drama.


That is rly nice story

But how did he promote this site,also did community build this banners cuz they look rly nice

I am planing to stay here

I am done with big image-boards now I need chill place to enjoy,something like this


The site has mostly been promoted on Lainchan, in two ways:
1. They run some of our banners, we run some of theirs.
2. They have hyperlinks on the boardlist to different chans, one of which being SushiChan.

The banners were all made by the community, but ~85% were made by a single elusive member of it, creamy, who left her mark on the website and then mysteriously disappeared…


Oh thank you very much

I was always interested in community building

This is nice comfy place

Defiantly going to stay here

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