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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Filters are stupid.

Especially for commonly used words like swears.

It's fine for ironically used slang like "tbh fam" or "ayy" but censoring 'a bundle of sticks' when its appended to a lot of words, i.e. California Roll or waifuRainbow Roll or whatever, just disrupts discussion because everyone forgets.

What's the point of censorship anyway? Don't say that it's for mature, civil discussion. Swearing has its use when applied lightly, the only discussion with no bad words is at the kid's table.

Everything in moderation, Sashimi.


swearing isn't very comfy desu


There's nothing wrong with using most curse words, only ones that are normally used to insult others and create an air of uncoziness. Normie, Faggot, Nigger and Bitch are filtered for this reason, they're used to insult others and/or be arrogant. You can use fuck, shit, damn and etc. all you like because they're used as emphasizers and not almost exclusively insults.


Yes, well I think the filter for Fag is one that causes the most trouble. English chan culture appends it to everything very casually, as an honorific with only a hint of light hearted antagonism. It's basically our "san".

Filters can be amusing but they shouldn't unintentionally intrude on our normal posting so that we're stupidly forced to reword our perfectly reasonable posts. It's something a lot of small chans make the mistake of doing (lainchan being a big offender). I mean look how dumb waifuRainbow Roll looks.

Also that they're capitalized makes it even more prominent and obnoxious. Also, I don't think Nigger and Bitch are exclusively used to insult either. i.e. "you're my negro", or "this thing is a Bitch to get running".

Frankly, expecting the userbase to abuse this language as a given means you're taking a position of distrust and disrespect.


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>English chan culture appends it to everything very casually, as an honorific with only a hint of light hearted antagonism. It's basically our "san".
We shouldn't be like most chans and we should avoid the "culture" thing since it's not comfy at all.
>Filters can be amusing but they shouldn't unintentionally intrude on our normal posting so that we're stupidly forced to reword our perfectly reasonable posts. It's something a lot of small chans make the mistake of doing (lainchan being a big offender). I mean look how dumb waifuRainbow Roll looks.
But no one's forcing you to change the way you write, you just don't necessarily need to swear to make your point.
>Also, I don't think Nigger and Bitch are exclusively used to insult either. i.e. "you're my negro", or "this thing is a Bitch to get running".
that's just cherry picking, Sushi Roll.
i.e "stfu you stupid Black Dragon Roll"
i.e "my ex is a total Friendly Lady"
>Frankly, expecting the userbase to abuse this language as a given means you're taking a position of distrust and disrespect.
Who are undoall and Itamae disrespecting? Most of (if not all) regular posters are okay with the word filters and they're fun because they all have something to do with Japanesuuu~~ food.


>Frankly, expecting the user base to abuse this language as a given means you're taking a position of distrust and disrespect.

To be honest, the top motivation in the word-filter's employment is frivolity. The users of this site have always been well behaved, respectful, and potty trained so it's never been a matter of trust. The filter was meant to be something goofy to make people laugh or smile–nothin' less or more.


>distrust and disrespect


I bet you complain about soykaf on lainchan too, don't you.


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Yeah, I mentioned it earlier as the biggest offenders. Every 5th post has a filter applied. For the logical conclusion of filter enthusiasm, see /scurv/ on 8ch.

>that's just cherry picking, Sushi Roll.
What I mean is that it can be used both insultingly and not insultingly. It shows a lack of trust in the userbase to assume that we'd use them offensively, and the only thing stopping us now is the censor.

>We shouldn't be like most chans and we should avoid the "culture" thing since it's not comfy at all.

That's just contrarian. "Comfy" is a chan meme, too.

>The filter was meant to be something goofy to make people laugh or smile
I'm aware, my point was that some of them accidentally intrude where they weren't intended to, disrupting our normal posting. I feel it's worth pointing out, even if it's only a minor annoyance.

You could just change the filter for Fag to a lowercase "roll" so that it works as an honorific.


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>You could just change the filter for Fag to a lowercase "roll" so that it works as an honorific.

That filter does seem to pop up a lot in conjunction with other words. I'll play around with it when I get home. Also, I appreciate your input, fellow Umihara Kawase enthusiast. Thank you.


I really enjoy the wordfilters here, they add to the æsthetic. Just my 2 cents.


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Cool, thanks for considering it

>fellow Umihara Kawase enthusiast

y-you too


I don't mind the word filters, or see them as disruptive

I do like the idea of replacing -rainbow roll (f a g) with roll h/e


>"Comfy" is a chan meme
…uhh? What word would you have us say? Unless you're trying to imply the feeling didn't exist before chans 'invented' it.


didn't realize "a n o n" was filtered until just recently. I don't mind that it is, but I was curious as to why. Thank you Sama <3


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You ㅤfㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤaㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤgㅤㅤㅤgㅤㅤㅤㅤoㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤtㅤㅤㅤ aㅤㅤㅤnㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤoㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤn. You can't tell me what to do.


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