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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1445800264974.png (490.46 KB, 557x787, 557:787, inari-okami.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


To those who have donated anything to the site's tip jar, even $1, you will be immortalized in this thread for all eternity.

The first honor goes to: Z.B. from the Cascadia region, United States! Thanks Z.! :3


The second honor goes to: E.B. from New York City!
Danke, E.! :D


The third honor goes to: P.W. from Sydney, Australia!
Cheers, P.! \(^o^)/


The fourth honor goes to: Sushi Roll!
Mahalo, Sushi Roll! ( *`ω´)


The fifth honor goes to: another Sushi Roll!
Arigato, Sushi Roll! (*´∇`*)


The sixth honor goes to: L.L. from France (sent with love)!
Je vous remercie, L.! o(*>ω<*)o


The seventh honor goes to: A.G. from Shut-up-and-take-my-money-ville!
Спасибо, A.! ヽ(´∀`ヽ)

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