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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Over the Summer, SushiChan has increased in average by roughly 8 times the traffic in only a span of a season (there was over 800,000 hits in September alone). Our little SushiChan is growing up, and we're blitzing ahead into a sushi-filled future, but we're missing something: a mascot. We need a masthead to stand out as our own; something to signify and personify this site as a whole.

At it's inception, I had picked offhandedly Yumi from Umihara Kawase, a character from a Japanese release Super Famicom game in which you catch fish. Being a video game character, a fisherman, and kawaii uguu~, she seemed to fit the bill for an imageboard that is founded on sushi & Japanese culture, comfiness (look up the original Umihara Kawase soundtrack), and to a degree, technology.

What do you, the sushi rolls, feel? Who do you think fits the bill as mascot of SushiChan? Discuss! :DDD


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Fishing-Chan is perfect.


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We've talked about this, remember?

Most likely a mascot will just emerge without any planning though.

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