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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1440381307669.png (1.07 KB, 242x17, 242:17, Why do this.PNG) ImgOps Google iqdb


Can there be a / or - in between the subject and name?

Maybe something where the subject is above the name on the post?

Maybe something to change the look of the post and threads as an experiment.



>By: Name

>Date -(Day) - Time - Post number


File: 1440384442587.png (103.19 KB, 448x339, 448:339, delishious.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

Unless other users exhibit interest, and since it's not broken: Nah.


Changing one of their color should only be a simple CSS fix right?



File: 1440436154943.jpg (44.98 KB, 296x403, 296:403, 1436699153744.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

Fix'd (all stylesheets).

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