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/wildcard/ - (STEM)

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims." --R. Buckminster Fuller
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Who Engineering Major here?


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I'm studying software engineering. but I don't think it counts


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Starting my Mechatronic Engineering degree in 8 days. I'm quite nervous and I'm less certain about it as time has gone on, but I am still keen.



EE here, one more year to go and I'm finished with undergrad. Internship this summer will decide whether I want to go straight into work or stay in school and go for a Master's/Ph.D.


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> Technical field

> Esoteric math
> Classmates are weebs that have the social graces of a brick, if they're lucky

Breddy sure it counts.


I was actually kind of shocked to find how many weebs there are in software. seems like it's either that or they simply are asian.



I think it has to do with computers. There's some inevitability associated with it. Use computers long enough and you will, without fail, become a weeaboo.

And also probably gay. Blame the ghost of Alan Turing for that one.


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another software engineering student here, he is totally right.
I'd never thought I'd meet that many weebs at my university.

But I'm not gay yet.

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