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/wildcard/ - (STEM)

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims." --R. Buckminster Fuller
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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This motherfucker right here. Architect, designer, writer, mathematician. A FUCKING GENIUS. Do you know what he did? He orchestrated a city so it could sustain itself while floating on the FUCKING SEA. Desalination!

Go ahead, give a read to some of his books. Let's discuss this great mind's works.


I heard that this guy used polyphasic sleep. He'd take 20 minute naps every 2 hours or so. Highly productive and fit for a genius, I wish I could be like those guys
Oh fuck I didn't ask for the feelz.


You can be anything you want to, sushiroll.


Y-you too

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