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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!


Found this recently. I kind of really liked it.
Share your finds, or that music that you like and falls out of the usual categories


Shit gives me a headache, but here.


Okay, something I actually like.


One more from them.


Get funky


i like this album. her voice is kinda soothing


I don't usually listen to shoegaze. I like this though.



been listening to this lately



found this band the other day and theyre so good and chill.


another song



I love the vocals in this song.






My go-to comfy music


Wow, this is beautiful! Kind of reminds me of vid related with a more mellow tone (future-pop sound). I found this band an untold number of years ago and I have loved them ever since. This is from their new album



I hate the bus.


>Mueran Humanos


Had a good Black Friday, Sushi Roll?


>was smoking on a friend's porch
>this song (w/ Cal Tjader) plays on radio
>get lost in the view
Seattle's beautiful. You should come out here sometime.


brubek is great!


C'est tres bien






Happy new year, sushichan!



>that music that you like and falls out of the usual categories
The most original thing I know and really like is (vid related)


File: 1452416136513.webm (297.88 KB, Favourite part.webm)



File: 1452601219982.webm (5.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, lullaby for a princess.webm) ImgOps Google iqdb





I didn't like their new album at all.



this jam is amplified
so just glide
and let your backbone sliiiide


When I'm bored and angry


Teaser for new Divtech album



damn this is rad Sushi Roll, just copped the album



File: 1457809042914.webm (4.73 MB, 04 - Spotlight.webm)




File: 1458609512578.webm (815.29 KB, ni9.webm)


sexy time music



I've recently listened to this Gqom compilation, which is a new quite minimalistic electronic genre from South Africa. The thing I like about it is how you can hear how it takes cues from traditional African music yet at the same time it has quite a dark and urban feel, kind of like a collision of past and present



Here's the recent full album on YT.



I just wanna say that I love this guy. I have like 3 of his songs.


I LOVE THIS!!!! Thank you!
can you recommend more?

fantastic work out music

incredible skill



I didn't know where to put this one, so I'll just leave it here


File: 1460706932557.jpg (68.77 KB, 447x453, 149:151, 1439610575616.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb



File: 1460752375919.png (414.95 KB, 578x432, 289:216, 1459991939481.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

good shit friendo


File: 1460766404810.png (6.95 KB, 322x263, 322:263, 1447801088071-1.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


absolutely incredible


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