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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1457400734659.png (83.51 KB, 720x540, 4:3, mountains.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


Post your vaporwave mix


File: 1457405056557.png (1.24 MB, 735x778, 735:778, Vapor_God.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

wut iz vapurwave


I listen to the Dream Catalogue playlist on Spotify and a lot of Blank Goofy/Banshee and much more I don't remember. /r/vaporwave has some good mega thread.


Damn it sushi, you got me to listen to Blank Goofee and it's oddly good for being so memetastic. Thanks a lot.


Happy to hear that sushi roll! :D
Here's a playlist of its best tracks on Spotify that I made : https://play.spotify.com/user/123laurent/playlist/1LaLEj6VzPzNjUS99o360d

My fav track is proably Eco Zones. Teen Pregnancy is so much lol, I can't stop laughing to it.


File: 1459002421558.webm (7.19 MB, 400x300, 4:3, SUNDAY SCHOOL.webm) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1460300099072.webm (5.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, reeeewave.webm) ImgOps Google iqdb


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