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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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I didn't see a request or JPOP thread, so I have a possibly difficult request.

There was this weird progressive J-Pop album I used to listen to. It was some girl singing over 80's keyboard instrumentals. Real happy go lucky stuff. The album was called 1984 or 1986. The band's name started with an H, and was kind of long. You know the village in Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni? Hinamizawa. It was something similar to that word.

I found it on the old Wizardchan site, in their music share thread, and haven't been able to locate is since. I feel like there may be some japanese music experts that can help me, lest I have to venture back to wizardchan and locate the Sushi Roll who originally posted it. It's on Youtube btw, so it wasn't lost by time.

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