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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1449864599115.jpg (100.95 KB, 636x960, 53:80, 1617866_794447803912866_17….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


I hope it's ok to start a new thread for one track, I have no idea where else could I post it, but I like it very much and wanted to share!


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Neat track but I just can't see myself listening to this over and over again. I really like the slowed beat from 2:37 and also those background vocaloidish voices(????) from 0:56 till 2:37 remind me of nightcore


I like the beats I don't know the rest of song tho.


who's that qtroll


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She's from the cover art of Miii's other album.

Momoco Midorikawa


I listened to the album in your pic a while back and it was alright but this track is certainly an improvement.
Thanks for reminding me that this artists exists, OP. I'll keep up with that soundcloud. Seems like she's working toward a more bass/synth heavy futurebass-type setlist. Which, personally, I'm happy about.


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Can we turn this thread into "I just want to share a track" one?



Cool track… the wiki page and textboard for these guys are thoroughly confusing though. I feel like I'm missing out on some huge inside joke. I'll keep my eye out for more releases from them, anyway.


Not literally a particular inside joke, just a small community based around an imageboard (or a few?) inspired a lot by the japanese text ones, but yeah, it's somewhat a closed community. I really like the music, though; feel free to check out the DQN ELECTRONICS series as well if you don't mind some breakcore and shit!


nice music, and even nicer qt in the pic :3

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