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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!


Do you mind me asking what is the song on the main page? It kind of reminds me of Tycho.


The song is attached: Flim by Aphex Twin.

Thanks for that album, very chiiiiill~ I'mma use it on the opening page when the month rolls over.


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This is a nice cozy place you guys got here. I feel these aesthetics. I only wish it was a bit more active.

Chill and ambient music thread?




Anima I & II by Diverse System do maximum chill out for me.





this is an awesome game!

here's some 80s ambient
full album wasn't on YT - this song is my fav - but all the tracks are in playlists



Any room for night time chill?


i'm had an eargasm.
It will.


Hotline Miami's soundtrack jams hard

>have listened to OST multiple times

>have never played the game


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