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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!



File: 1449247973839.png (273.4 KB, 565x584, 565:584, nande.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

Quite a nice tune, but…what was it? Why were they shooting the poor aubergines?


File: 1449249695127.png (570.49 KB, 825x550, 3:2, 23131.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

>Why were they shooting the poor aubergines?
dunno but it's yume nikki related


File: 1449325897228.webm (67.81 KB, 610x544, 305:272, nasu.webm) ImgOps Google iqdb

I'm pretty sure this is an artistic interpretation of Madotsukis unstable relationship to aubergines. The game "Nasu", which is playable in Yume Nikki has an a rather high frustration level, leading to obnoxious feelings whenever one encounters an aubergine. Thus anger builds and eventually turns into hatred that settles down into ones dreams.

Madotsuki played too much Nasu. This is the result.


File: 1452420522023.webm (295.32 KB, Clipped part.webm)


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