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from the trenches
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1442767581903.jpg (68.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, How-to-install-remove-GNOM….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


What do you people think about Kali Linux?
In my opinion it's a pretty stable and flexible distro.
Any other opinions?


Yeah, initially I thought it would help me to learn a bit about wardriving.
but now I'm using it as default OS for my backup PC.


Basically an updated backtrack, for the l33t3st hax0rs in w0rld. Its pretty good for a Debian derivative though.

edit: Sorry ballsed up tripcode so reposting


It's a convenience distro for having that kind of shit preinstalled, but apart from that, nothing especial, just another debian.


I've never tried it out, I might install it on a vm. Whadayaguis think about kali 2.0?


>In my opinion it's a pretty stable and flexible distro.
>pretty stable
>debian testing

No, anon.

>for the l33t3st hax0rs in w0rld

Negative. By default running everything with root.

This is distrobloat for students and ECH. Isn't for everyday use.


You are retarded if you use this as a more than temporary desktop OS.

It is designed as a preconfigured offensive pen testing tool. It is extremely insecure and should only be used as a boot from USB.

The kind of programs it has reinstalled create massive vulnerabilities in your system which is designed to be only for temporary use.


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Sorry I should've elaborated more, for a pen-testing Debian derivative its pretty good, though its really the only pen-testing os I can think of off the top of my head (Aside from black arch, but I dont know much about that :/.) For everyday day use it is terrible, and for a non pen-testing user it is practically useless. I just thought OP was using it for pen-testing, because I can't see another reason for using it :3

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