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/silicon/ - technology

from the trenches
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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>Ten new hires at Henn-na hotel, opening on 17 July in Huis Ten Bosch theme park in southern Japan, are far from your average staffers.

>Enter the lobby, and a trio of robots in the form of cyborg woman, a Nao bot, and a robotic dinosaur will greet and take you through check-in. A cloakroom robot (a giant industrial robot arm) inside a transparent glass box swivels between drawers to store away luggage; an information robot chatters away about events on at the park; and some concierge bots show you to your room.


why do they even give them faces


>Welcome to the Uncanny Valley, may I carry your luggage for you?


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if a robotics equivalent of "silicon valley" ever exits, I sure hope it gets called "uncanny valley".


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One day all will be full of love!


>Call for a ban on sex robots


The age of the waifubot is drawing near. You can tell because people are getting angry and being bullies to our waifus :(


>reinforce traditional stereotypes of women
feminists really want to get raped by sexually frustrated guys of the internet era


Those bastards. Literally worse than hitler


They give then faces because otherwise you're just having sex with one of these. It's not the worst thing in the world but I could see a few people going on a psychotic break after having sex with a faceless person.


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glorious waifu age

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