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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Who drinkan?


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Got this as a gift yesterday from a family friend; gonna pop it for dinner. Prolly will have a couple Yuenglings with my dad, too.


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I just opened the first bottle of beer. Let's have some booze sushirolls!


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Gluggin' da grog, muddafuckaz.


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I'm on my third but only just saw this thread.
I love that I can stay up almost all night doing what I want, then drink beer afterwards and go to sleep to wake up whenever I feel like. I love holidays. I wish there was another system for humans to exist in, one where we don't have to work in restricted hours, but where we can produce goods (material or virtual) at our own discretion.


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Reporting in like a responsible drunk. It's been raining a lot recently so it's been pretty cozy. Winter is perfect drinking weather.


i love you all and i love irish whiskey


>this guy, always


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It's gonna be a good year. Kampai!


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I drank too much (and smoked devilgrass, which didn't help) and spent the first day of 2016 hungover as hell

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