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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1451011987300-0.gif (644.02 KB, 969x700, 969:700, dJQhYKP.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451011987300-1.png (224.86 KB, 700x560, 5:4, R6IEUVZ.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451011987300-2.jpg (93.28 KB, 720x540, 4:3, cozy cabin.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


Post comfy and cozy!

What do you consider cozy?


Those things in Japan, I think they're called Kotasus? They look quite beautiful.

As for cozy, it's driving down a city at night, when it's rainy, and there's reflections of lights on the road, raindrops dripping on the car's windows.


File: 1451065291335.jpg (1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, udv3bgsm73bm825grp60blh44f….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

The ultimate comfy is sitting on a quiet, warm, sandy beach lapping up sunshine; a fishing line cast or hunting for dinner in the pools when the tide is out.

For realistic, everyday comfy: good friends, family, good food, and a tasty beverage. My needs are simple.


I find being undercover while it's raining very comfy
Can't find pics, but sitting on the porch under a canopy, listening to the rain fall on the leaves, cover, and deck is so nice

Rain on the window while falling asleep, too, of course

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