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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1449244200606.png (504.92 KB, 641x825, 641:825, Lt's have fun with polls.PNG) ImgOps Google iqdb


I want to poll the sushi rolls



>0 underage users
that's strange
>THAT ONE 26-30
poor Itamae, I think that he's the oldest one here


File: 1449246157137.jpg (47.17 KB, 328x432, 41:54, Old man with Cane, Memorie….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

>poor Itamae, I think that he's the oldest one here

Respect the elder


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0 wizards so far.


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>only 4 people 22-25 including me

When did I get so old? Where has the time gone?


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Make that five.

>Where has the time gone?

I wish I knew…


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>tfw not Itamae and 29.
you shushiees are great though <3


>to the 31+ years person: are you a guy and a virgin?
>that one 31+ is either from lainchan or uboachan
I think I answered this poll on my phone a week ago or more, and at the time I was the only 31+ one (now there's another one). So they must be talking about me.

I am a wizard and I may very well have come here from Lainchan, but I don't remember. I guess I am old by the standards of imageboards and anime communities.


hello fellow Sushi R-old

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