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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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I wanted to make this thread just to see where everyone stood politically.

I'm pretty moderate with a touch of right wing.


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I'm one the of those Rainbow Rolls who thinks everyone is intrinsically a cunt so while I think communism is a good idea in theory I think it'll never work. Meanwhile there's Fascism which is really shit, but it works pretty well(IIRC most countries only stopped being fascist because of some war waged by people from other countries) so I prefer some kind of middle ground between full-retard anarchism and full Europe authoritarianism. I agree with ideas from both sides but I'm also more right wing.
tl;dr everything is shit but right is slightly less shit


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Politics is against the rules for being inherently uncozy, and generally leading to anger and sadness. Thread locked.

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