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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

nom nom nom
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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anyone got any good recipes for the poor dumb and hungry?


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Make some pasta for lunch. Doesn't matter which sauce, it can be anything from a little bit of olive oil to a bit of olive, garlic and red pepper simmered for a couple mins, to a tomato sauce. Whatever you can manage.
Maybe you've made too much. In the evening you put some oil in a wide pan, break some eggs and mix them with salt and pepper. Basically you make an omelet with oil rather than butter. When it's nearly done, you dump in the leftover pasta, and let it cook for a minute longer.
An old trick to make both lunch and dinner with a little bit of pasta and a couple of eggs.


that's actually cool as fuck im gonna try it


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>poor, dump and hungry
Do the curry!

-collect all the vegetables you can get with your budget (mushrooms, potatoes, beans, carrots, garlic, onions, pepper, whatever) cut them in fine pieces and cook them with a bit oil
-when they are ready, add milk (or coconut milk) curry powder (or paste) and salt
-let cool down and eat the next day for optimal flavour

Of course in the beginning you can add animal material as well, though this will be more expensive. The effort and time it takes to chop the stuff will be so much worth the result and ensures nourishment for days.


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You can just put butter on bread and toast it with anything, used to put just ketchup and mayo.


Meal tip for the poor: Whip up some quick food that looks so disgusting that it makes any appetite disappear.
It works like magic!


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>Whip up some quick food that looks so disgusting that it makes any appetite disappear.
dunno what are you talking about, if I wasn't so lazy I'd definitely try one of these recipes


>toad in the hole (egg in toast)
You should try it. It's a perfect union of breakfast tastiness.


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toad in the hole is actually sausage in yorkshire pudding, not egg in toast


That looks really inconvenient to eat.


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Get ready for Vampire Death II:

-2 slices of bread
-3 eggs
-1 glove of garlic

Prepare sunny-side up eggs with oil in a pan. Bring butter on bread. Rasp garlic and bring on buttered bread. Lay feta cheese on bread. Lay eggs carefully on top. Add some pepper. Serve immediately (the egg will cool down very fast).

WARNING: Consuming a meal prepared with this recipe, may cause instant death to vampires closer than three meters and will decrease your prospects of getting gf that day by 70%.


Read this imgur album it gives some great tips.

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