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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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I need someone to describe to me in detail what eating sushi is like. I've never had it before, or actually an japanese food, so pls be descriptive


>or actually an japanese food
Make yourself omurice or naporitan, it's easy as shit.


It tastes like the sea, like the mountains and the earth. You can sense the wind, combing through the rice fields. You can see the sparkle of the seaweed, shimmering like tourmaline, dark as the depths of the ocean. The even cut and precise wrap will calm you down to devout appreciation of the beauty that only can be found in simplicity. When you take the brave bite, a vast will open, filling yourself with plain and sharp commitment to take another one. Then your body will become a bowl, that slowly and steadily fills with cool and rich water from an untouched spring, that is your very own throat. Once a light snowflake you will fall on warm clay to gaze into the wide sky and cry a last time. Finally a harsh sip on a rustic teacup settles things straight, leaving you behind like a black line on white paper.


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It tastes really good and has a satisfying texture. Describing what sushi is like is difficult because different kinds of sushi taste different/have different textures, and it's very difficult to describe a flavor to someone. Why don't you go out and get some? I suggest sake (salmon nigiri) and unagi (eel).

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