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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

nom nom nom
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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What kind of tools and stuffs related to cooking you couldn't do without?

A friend of mine bought me a silicon spatula for Christmas. I don't feel like using anything else to stir and scrub now. Of course wooden tools don't scratch the pot but silicon is ten times more handy. It's a joy to use it every morning to prepare scrambled eggs.

I currently lack three things in my cooking battery : An oven, a good blender, and a chef knife. While the purpose of the two firsts appears to me as obvious, I'm currently pondering about how much the later will help me to cook better compared to the "office knives" I already have. I'm just a beginner in cooking, so I wonder if putting 50/100€ in a single knife wouldn't be overkill.


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I always wanted to have one of those typical Chinese kitchen blades. My style of cutting things is optimized for such a tool and you can sharpen them a million times without having to worry about the them getting too thin.

Chomp, chomp, chomp - just imagine the nice sound of cleanly parted vegetables on some wood :3


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Fundamentally, I find I've never really "needed" more than a small cast-iron frying pan, a small pot for boiling/steaming foods and cooking grains, and a larger pot for making soups or broths.

It's much the same with utensils. If you're determined, you can do anything with a half-decent Chef's Knife. Anything. Maybe you'd want a paring knife (or "office knife") for delicate jobs. Add in a spatula and a mixing bowl and you'd be hard pressed to "need" anything else. That said, cooking with fancy tools is a lot of fun. I've managed to build up quite a pile of equipment, utensils and tools from yard sales, thrift shops and clearance sections, and I don't regret any of it.

When you say "office knife", do you mean you're doing everything with a paring knife?
May as well try to dig through the Earth with a teaspoon! Yes, get a chef's knife, or even a santoku or a cleaver, or even a clean, sharpened garden spade, literally anything would be an upgrade. Don't break the bank, since you say you're just a beginner. Get something decent and get lots of practice with an actual chef's knife before worrying about getting something top of the line.


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>When you say "office knife", do you mean you're doing everything with a paring knife?

Y-yes :3

It's a common knife, with a blade of 10cm or so, pretty much pic related. Of course it gets the job done, but it could be (way) smoother, especially when slicing, especially with onions where it feels like a hack no matters how it begins. Hence the need for something more adequate

Beware, NSFW:


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>couldn't do without

A knife, it's the most versatile tool. Cutting up ingredients, crushing/grinding with the butt or bladeside, opening cans if you're desperate, etc.

Once thing I would love is a handheld juice press. Or 'food processor' so I don't have to makes hummus in a blender anymore.


>Or 'food processor' so I don't have to makes hummus in a blender anymore.

I don't get the point, I'll research it myself but I never quite understood the difference between the two beside the form and the versatility of the food processor

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