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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

nom nom nom
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Remember to keep it cozy!

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St. Patrick just past so I think it's time for a thread on alcoholic beverage. I know many of you here like drinking while on the net so I think it would be nice to discuss.

What are your favorites?

What are you drinking right now?

What would you like to try that you haven't drank yet?

Have you tried making your own drinks?


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Nowadays I usually have cheap beer for a drink. At bars and places I always look out for some delicious cocktails, but most of the time even simple things like Caipirinha or Blue Hawaii are done as bad as they can get, so I return to beer pretty fast.

Once in a while I allow me a bottle of dry red whine 50/50 with water. It's interesting how the taste changes if you drink it like that, also I don't have to adjust my drinking behavior from beer to wine in terms of alcoholic intake per hour.

I always wanted to make my own mead, a thick and heavy version with residual yeast in it, like in the old times. This must be gold to the throat when drunk under the starry sky or in the forest at night. Oh, right absinth and vermouth are also on my todo list.


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I almost never drink but when I do It's often rhum 'cause I'm a pirate.


Today while shopping I saw some special edition carbonated vodka, I found it very funny and weird. I thought I saw all possible mutations of vodka because it's so popular here but I never expected this.


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I'm a beer person, but recently I watched a documentary called Somm, which is about people training to be master sommeliers (basically wine experts)

This made me crave vino, so I copped some sauvignon blanc from Baron Philippe de Rothschild

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