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/kitchen/ - tasty morsels & delights

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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What are you sushi rolls opinions on these giant sweet boogers?


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The texture is unique and being a dessert that isn't overly sweet is breddy nice.


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>mfw I've never tasted "giant sweet boogers"


They are usually available in every Asia food store. Go out now and get some! They are softer than your average yukkuri (>ヮ<)


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>get out now
I-If even it was that easy…
Anyway, there isn't asian food store near my home but I love your way of talking Sushi Roll.

>mfw I don't even know what a yukkuri is.


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cutest food in existence


I find them too sweet but I find everything too sweet


My favorite are whatever that's not the sesame ones. Peanut butter, green tea (top fave), red bean. There's a store that recently opened near my house that doesn't serve either three but they serve chocolate, raspberry, and random "European" flavors. Didn't make sense because red bean and green tea are my favorite but maybe I'll try some when I visit.


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>red bean and green tea are my favorite

We must have the same spirit animal or s/t

Am I the only one who minds the flouriness? Or are you not supposed to eat it with hands…



Peanut butter mochi is food of the gods. I like sweet red bean but after eating too many it tastes less like sweet and more like bean.

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