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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Lainchan removed the sushichan link from its website…


I talked with kalyx earlier, and all affiliate links were taken down because they took up a lot of space. We're still in the banners that cycle at the top of lainchan from time to time, which is nice.


It wasn't much space though. Okk thanks for the info ita!


>took up a lot of space
>he likes the useless space between posts
>now we have a stream link in the top bar and one in the announcement section
>ohh and did I notice I don't have money to keep up lainchan but instead of giving it to someone who can manage the costs I'm going to post a meme announcement that takes a lot of space and becasue we don't really need all that space here's another message about donations plus a counter.
>ohh and did I mention the donate button in the top bar ?
>guys, kalyx here, I just ate a hamburger should I delete a board ?


Watch out for these sites, ive been on boards before where the mods/site Sashimis who heavily edit their site or ask their userbase questions about management, they're insane. They seek attention and its not healthy. Its a terrible way to run an Sushi Rollboard.


Talking about mods/Sashimis, I have to say that sushishan does a good job with its moderation. Recently there were some shitposts posted here and they all have been deleted that's cool.


The affiliate links are back on Lainchan. Kalyx gonna Kalyx I guess aha.


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>Kalyx gonna Kalyx
I really wish that guy would get his shit together.


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It's pretty /cyb/ for a cyberpuk chan to have a chaotic owner thought haha.


Since you're here, can you tell me what's the new BGM of sushigirl.tokyo pleaase?


"tell me", by Saint Pepsi

You can also look at the HTML source to find the linked audio.


My bad I forget the HTML source, ok thanks!


I haven't been on lainchan since it stopped loading in my preferred browser.


I don't like lainchan anymore…

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