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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Welp I was b& from lainchan for shitposting.
And life is meaningless. I hardly feel any emotion anymore.
I have to work. And on top I'm shitposting and venting in comfychan.
I too realize that I am not creative and my hobbies are unlikely to be productive in an economical sense. I wish I was, an artist or something.

Anyone here shares my sense for the lack of meaning in this ride?


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I wish I could sympathise but "meaning" is not what's making me sad right now
But hey, misery loves company ;^)

Been sick the last few days so I've been overcompensating with Robitussin
Now I'm on some sort of DXM withdrawal, feeling shit about fapping/watching porn too much, being lonely, feeling behind on my schoolwork, and living with roommates at a directionless point in their lives


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These days I realized that I simply had to see myself inside of a game to handle life. There are no goals. You simply have to take care of your attitude, stay relaxed and do things in a sporting manner. There is nothing serious out there until you make it serious for yourself. So, most of the time you can just lay back and continue knitting your journeys scarf.

It is good to have set some things for the future, so you get a grid to climb the slope. Life is incredibly long, but the days are short, so you better make sure to choose the right spot for a camp before the sun sets.

I am 23 now and I feel like my life is pretty much over. Back in days one wouldn't become much older. Adulthood feels more like autumn of life all the time. Well, it has been like this since end of school days I guess.

If I learned something, it is: Never stop playing! Games, art, humor and philosophy are some of the few major concepts humankind has accomplished, ancient gifts to our frantic society, remembering us of the things that really make us human.


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Were you the guy who posted the "go hang yourself" comment on tech? for what its worth i agree with you, that was a cancerous thread, but i usually just ignore those kinds of threads. everyone is better off. have a cute to cheer you up, friend


Kek I actually sometimes think of life as an RPG so doing something boring but productive feels like I'm gaining XP - it's a great feeling to finish a book, or cook a delicious meal (such as sushi ;^)


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I'm getting to the point where I'm caring less for actually socializing since no one really sticks with me anyway. I've stop thinking of where I'm heading since I just end up disappointing myself when I get somewhere I've been dying to be at. I usually just walk off any feeling of angry, sadness or thoughts that are troubling me, along with drinking.


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You mentioned an interesting point there. Does anybody else has problems differentiating whether an emotion is good or bad? I often feel a melancholic joy, that keeps me swinging between smiling and crying, making me act inappropriate to certain events. Failing a test sometimes makes me laugh or dropping a cup I really loved gave me warmth and comfort, that even surprised myself at the time.


Please don't take this as an insult but you should definitely see a psychiatrist about that; if its possible.


On some things, yes

I have laughed just to express this mix of amusement and shock at ridiculous situations
Love still makes me feel this weird tangle of emotions which I don't enjoy


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Whenever something really unlucky happens I'll usually start laughing, but that's because I often feel like I have a choice between either that or getting super mad. I would probably consider going to a psychiatrist like >>482 says if weird emotional reactions are an every day thing for you though.

Love makes me freak out a bit, I always feel too flawed to be that worthy of it if it's from someone that I actually like. If it's from someone I don't know I probably don't notice it in the first place.


yeah they removed a thread i made about being cyberpunk, fuck that rulecucked board.


Cyberpunk thread removed on lainchan? What is going on over there?


i think lainchan is shit. The few times i go there it always feels off and the threads are very formulaic like the inane swill peddled on reddit/4chan.

I do think its good for topics like cyberpunk to have their own chan though; not like another board on the 8chan or anywhere else.


Ubuu is starting to feel like that too ever since the recent updates.


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lainchan was slow and comfy when it started, but now you can't have a fun social thread without "data mining friendly users". Thanks, but I have enough tinfoil in my kitchen counters.

Sorry for the rant, here's a cute reimu for your troubles.


We need more comfy chans! Maybe its finally time for me to get into irc… thanks for the reimu


they 8ch cybs did the smart thing and ditched that sinking ship;


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ah thanks. I had that chan saved but lost it recently. You know what would be great? A history chan where ancient and even current events can be discussed; sources dissected and perspectives analyzed. I fear anything beyond the cold war would turn sour but at the same time i would love to discuss geopolitics in a historical frame.


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How long is /tea/ open for? I've seen it linked a number of times but every time I go it's closed for X hours. And then I remember about it later on in the day and I've always missed the window where it's actually open.


I feel you. Though I am really not at all interested in geopolitics, I'd like to see a discussion on war strategy, as seen in the campaigns of napoleon, mao zendong, george patton, and all those guys.

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