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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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>The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security.
>The lives of the last men are pacifist and comfortable.
>Every individual lives equally and in "superficial" harmony
>no original or flourishing social trends
>too barren and decadent to support the growth of great individuals
>who has no great passion or commitment, who is unable to dream, who merely earns his living and keeps warm
>The last men claim to have discovered happiness, but blink every time they say so.
Wie fühlt es sich an die Untermensch, Sushi-Rollen sein?


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Ab und zu lodert die Flamme noch in mir auf, erinnert mich an all das verschenkte Potenzial, nur um unter der warmen Asche des Lebens wieder zu ersticken.


That seems like a culture issue if this post is suppose to be a negative message to go away from a peaceful meek life. We should be peaceful if our supplies are plentiful and we can have peaceful existence.


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if everyone tried to be an ubermensch the world would be a pretty shitty place. i dont see any reason to push myself to be a blood and soil tyrant, nor do i want to be anyone's leader or anyone's follower. i just do my own thing. i'm not decadent or dispassionate, either, and i dont see many people that i would label as last men.
tldr there's nothing wrong with being comfy


How do I know that enjoying life is not a delusion? How do I know that in hating death we are not like people who got lost in early childhood and do not know the way home? Lady Li was the child of a border guard in Ai. When first captured by the state of Jin, she wept so much her clothes were soaked. But after she entered the palace, shared the king's bed, and dined on the finest meats, she regretted her tears. How do I know that the dead do not regret their previous longing for life? One who dreams of drinking wine may in the morning weep; one who dreams weeping may in the morning go out to hunt. During our dreams we do not know we are dreaming. We may even dream of interpreting a dream. Only on waking do we know it was a dream. Only after the great awakening will we realize that this is the great dream. And yet fools think they are awake, presuming to know that they are rulers or herdsmen. How dense! You and Confucius are both dreaming, and I who say you are a dream am also a dream. Such is my tale. It will probably be called preposterous, but after ten thousand generations there may be a great sage who will be able to explain it, a trivial interval equivalent to the passage from morning to night.

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