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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Have you ever done anything or said something racist in real life?

>Had a black gf.

>She always loved giving blowjobs.
>Sometimes felt her teeth.
>Told her one time "Retract those fangs, monkey" because I felt like my foreskin cut.
>She felt bad when I sad that.
>Came on her face to make her feel better.
>"You happy now, Black Dragon Roll?"
>She smiled with cum almost dripping off her lip.
>Walk out the room to get something for me and her to drink as she wipes her face with a towel.
>Sister was in the other room and was peeking out her door.
>When I was walking back she gave me the dirtiest look.
>Ask her if there's an issue.
>She closes the door and I can faintly hear "Fucking Racist".
>Get back into the room and gave her anal after drinks.

I miss her sometimes.

Another story
>Went to a Korean BBQ.
>Some shit little restaurant.
>Order some of those noodles.
>Everything is small and there's not enough room since I'm not a fucking manlet.
>It's loud with the ching chong mao zay dong.
>"Jesus it's uncomfortable" says one friend.
>"It's because these squinty eyed animals love to be on top of each other" I said just a bit too loud.
>Suddenly they all know English and stare in my direction.
>I laugh at how quiet it is and one of the guys in the group tried to hide his smile because he doesn't want to be seen as a asshole too.
>Girls in the group stare at me with disgusted faces.
>Everyone in the group but me walks out awkwardly after finishing.


w a y q


>have a freind
>get mugged by some aboriginal
>"god i hate aboriginals"
>"hey im part aboriginal, fuck you Sushi Roll,"


>have asian friend
>she tells me tht she wishes she was white sometimes bc ppl usually take them more seriously (she had a high pitched voice and was short so ppl thought she was like 12 when she was 16 at the time)
>i say "at least youre not black"
>every black person near me looks rlly mad
>i laugh nervously and just say "my dad always says that and i like making fun of him ahah"
>they turn away but i still feel the hate
it makes me cringe to this day oh my god


Did you mean like, "at least you're not black, because people usually take them even seriously than you"?

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