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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1442828735901.jpg (991.54 KB, 3264x1836, 16:9, IMG_20150921_124103.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


Fucking weebs


Anyone use to write swastikas on their desk when they were in school? I had a Jewish teacher get worried that someone was after him.



File: 1442851948506.jpg (70.03 KB, 423x416, 423:416, swasticant.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

I saw them at a few places (Yes, around school), but they were probably drawn by drunk idiots trying to be edgy. pic related.


How old are you?


The weeb in question is about 16. He also wrote "KEK" and "PEPE", but that shit's out of my desk. Note the huge smudge.


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So, are you going to apply the proper treatment for his kind?


You're right, I should beat his ass. But I can't find the paddle.


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Yeah, beat his pathetic weeb ass with a paddle.

Right across the cheeks.
Make him cry out for his mommy.

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