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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1442340266216.png (140.16 KB, 324x228, 27:19, cow tipping.PNG) ImgOps Google iqdb


new meme


what if it just decides not to move?; what if the cow wishes to fuck the system?


no, what if the cow is sedated?

do you count as healthy if you is sedated


I heard about a study, that found out that it was possible to determine precisely the probability of a standing cow to sit down after a given time.

The study showed further, that it was hard to tell when a sitting or lying cow rose again.

These findings where awarded.


Unhealthy cows must be killed and incinerated.

Healthy cows must be killed and eaten.

It doesn't seem very healthy to be a cow.


File: 1442515678180.png (125.88 KB, 324x228, 27:19, newmeme.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


unless you're an indian cow.


My dad want to kick my cow ass from the farm

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