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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1451529580095.gif (405.36 KB, 500x288, 125:72, tumblr_nyt5immDdT1qze3hdo1….gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


I really like this kind of pixelart. Do you guys have more?

Rest of it:


*More like these


gimme a couple hours to get home and i'll post my collection :)


File: 1451540593879-0.png (68.04 KB, 640x1121, 640:1121, 1408115720934.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540593879-1.jpg (238.54 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1394823557297.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451540593879-2.png (97.45 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 1413739996891.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540593879-3.png (18.91 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 555.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

I come bearing gifts!


File: 1451540664317-0.jpg (98.91 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, cave-story_00350600 copy.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451540664317-1.png (431.53 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, First Duck in Space.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540664317-2.gif (1.59 MB, 1920x1152, 5:3, mor--.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540664317-3.png (155.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Shovel Knight.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451540766645-0.png (188.69 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wallhaven-41029.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540766645-1.jpg (238.61 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wallhaven-41030.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451540766645-2.jpg (314.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1393960568447.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451540766645-3.jpg (844.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1393971688328.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

thanks for that link, i'm gonna save all of them, they're beautiful


File: 1451540794818-0.jpg (273.01 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1403282673095.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451540794818-1.jpg (1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1403384533984.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451540794818-2.png (69.96 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1403462604717.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540794818-3.jpg (155.98 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1403462871759.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


File: 1451540983378-0.png (23.97 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1403463319219.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540983378-1.png (33.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1403573105531.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540983378-2.png (195.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1403621960177.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451540983378-3.png (19.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1403622591980.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451541018533-0.jpg (1.43 MB, 3200x2400, 4:3, 1403653705974.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451541018533-1.jpg (699.8 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 1414959746939.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451541018533-2.png (215.3 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, wallhaven-8198.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541018533-3.png (126.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wallhaven-8200.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451541061744-0.png (42.79 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wallhaven-41021.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541061744-1.png (20.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wallhaven-41026.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541061744-2.png (72.6 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, wallhaven-41027.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541061744-3.png (698.81 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1393968575995.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451541093361-0.jpg (100.22 KB, 2517x1560, 839:520, 1393971574417.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451541093361-1.png (480.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1393971611058.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541093361-2.jpg (238.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1393971646268.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451541093361-3.png (15.66 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1393979634291.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451541176110-0.png (25.96 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1393979720805.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541176110-1.png (10.71 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1393971776803.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541176110-2.png (23.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1393979469959.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541176110-3.jpg (811.42 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1408561504737.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


File: 1451541216073-0.png (485.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541216073-1.png (14.66 KB, 999x1249, 999:1249, 2.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541216074-2.png (56.75 KB, 1000x1527, 1000:1527, 3.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541216074-3.png (119.29 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 4.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451541247481-0.png (41.68 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2014_09_11_10.09.10.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451541247481-1.jpg (290.24 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1310553.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451541247481-2.jpg (172.68 KB, 1072x712, 134:89, 4635044808_d809410356_o.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451541247481-3.gif (32.39 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 5780052682_ae650676a9_o.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451542008969-0.png (34.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1360467675573.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542008969-1.png (80.31 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1374568890542[1].png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542008969-2.png (11.48 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1393960530316.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542008969-3.png (79.59 KB, 1808x922, 904:461, 1396817236068[1].png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451542050772-0.png (224.22 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1398602462101.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542050772-1.png (158.24 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1398702981705.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542050772-2.png (162.75 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1409052877758.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542050772-3.png (116.19 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1409053913329.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451542266281-0.gif (38.6 KB, 1200x710, 120:71, nnnneon.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542266281-1.jpg (246.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, photo.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


File: 1451542310490-0.png (36.63 KB, 1145x755, 229:151, Greek.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542310490-1.gif (38.6 KB, 1200x710, 120:71, more_neon.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542310490-2.png (246.18 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, tumblr_mb6i4pmodG1qh1z75o4….png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542310490-3.png (224.61 KB, 500x705, 100:141, tumblr_mmm5k4yecc1qmf2zwo1….png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451542347225-0.gif (16.88 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, 4520244846_34fcc2ab82_o.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542347225-1.gif (11.98 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 4641759360_881bb8c3e6_o.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542347225-2.gif (31.98 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, 4674837586_6f78a0963d_o.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451542347225-3.png (20.41 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1410830582933.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451542387051.png (82.38 KB, 500x696, 125:174, mmzlpavwM51qmf2zwo1_r1_500.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

That's a wrap for now, happy new year! See you in the stars!



File: 1451608250969-0.gif (301.99 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 9e40708b7f7b6d11ab3d4f8d7a….gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451608250969-1.png (268.03 KB, 1280x683, 1280:683, cyberpunk_city_by_kirokaze….png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451608426513-0.gif (137.25 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1398327670179.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451608426513-1.gif (76.89 KB, 864x496, 54:31, 1398327755418.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451608426513-2.gif (2.92 MB, 320x216, 40:27, 1398444390419.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451608426513-3.gif (997.27 KB, 500x475, 20:19, 1398309733211.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451681172766.gif (25.61 KB, 464x337, 464:337, yume-nikki-docks-pixel.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1451689700165-0.jpg (105.2 KB, 868x676, 217:169, 1405423744914.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1451689700166-1.gif (29.64 KB, 499x697, 499:697, 1417883044003.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1451689700166-2.jpg (122.77 KB, 540x742, 270:371, 1446879844964.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


File: 1454696084963-0.png (31.11 KB, 640x400, 8:5, b sa3.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1454696084963-1.png (38.48 KB, 640x400, 8:5, chrome paradise 2.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1454696084963-2.png (50.32 KB, 640x400, 8:5, GEO_SLAVE_267.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1454696084963-3.gif (51.33 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Merry go round 01.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

PC-98 games are a great source of pixel art. They use 16 or 17 colors, which doesn't seem possible when you look at them.


File: 1454696158449-0.png (93.34 KB, 1280x300, 64:15, possessioner 1.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1454696158449-1.gif (203.04 KB, 639x299, 639:299, possessioner 2.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458521156247-0.png (13.34 KB, 512x513, 512:513, Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at ….png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458521156247-1.jpg (186.5 KB, 692x689, 692:689, mepxlart001.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1458521156247-2.png (13.81 KB, 511x514, 511:514, Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at ….png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458521156247-3.png (13.81 KB, 511x514, 511:514, Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at ….png) ImgOps Google iqdb

some Pixel art OC I made ages ago



Sweet jesus, I need to emulate more PC-98 stuff. I got into it for old Touhou games but never really realized what it was capable of.


File: 1458567564092-0.png (4.97 KB, 1000x844, 250:211, gondola-pixel-fucciboi-wit….png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458567564093-1.png (4.56 KB, 1000x844, 250:211, gondola-pixel-bluejeans-re….png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458567564093-2.png (1.03 MB, 600x600, 1:1, macintoshclassic.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458567564093-3.png (2.45 MB, 800x800, 1:1, sushigirl-stickerdraft.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

did you make these Sushi Roll? really cute!
Here is some stuff I have made in the past. Nothing exceptional, but then again, I am just now getting into pixel art. It is so fun, and keep up the good work!


Yep I did make them I'm glad you like it! Yours are really cool too
I also made some chiptunes at around the same time to go with it if you wanna listen: https://ftl-sounds.bandcamp.com/releases


fuck, thank you so much, I have a soft spot for chiptunes!


File: 1458757484002-0.png (126.17 KB, 600x560, 15:14, 1458746487385.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757484002-1.gif (150.45 KB, 732x1060, 183:265, 1458746915384.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757484002-2.png (157.76 KB, 512x600, 64:75, 1458747019676.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757484002-3.jpg (379.63 KB, 1024x679, 1024:679, 1458747020364.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

here's the pixelart from that thread in /b/, gonna post as many as i can


File: 1458757544873-0.jpg (91.14 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 1458747233485.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1458757544873-1.gif (1.64 MB, 432x768, 9:16, 1458747262407.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757544873-2.jpg (122.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1458747516545.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1458757544873-3.gif (997.27 KB, 500x475, 20:19, 1458747592511.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458757758619-0.gif (143.11 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458747614225.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757758619-1.gif (692.71 KB, 768x256, 3:1, 1458747618534.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757758620-2.gif (195.11 KB, 768x256, 3:1, 1458747676762.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757758620-3.gif (1.59 MB, 1920x1152, 5:3, 1458747761373.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458757890987-0.gif (70.28 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458747860006.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757890987-1.gif (232.7 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1458747879718.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757890987-2.gif (68.49 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458747913838.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458757890987-3.gif (165.5 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458747949789.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458758013509-0.gif (192.3 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458747968358.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758013509-1.gif (62.41 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748012510.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758013509-2.gif (96.85 KB, 768x256, 3:1, 1458748039062.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758013509-3.gif (387.75 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 1458748047252.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458758176628-0.gif (138.49 KB, 768x368, 48:23, 1458748075058.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758176628-1.gif (157.72 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748099300.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758176628-2.png (487.34 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1458748101159.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758176628-3.gif (216.05 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748138589.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458758313357-0.gif (92 KB, 768x384, 2:1, 1458748174551.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758313357-1.gif (182.85 KB, 800x300, 8:3, 1458748210982.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758313357-2.gif (153.07 KB, 740x224, 185:56, 1458748245942.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758313357-3.gif (85.73 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748280828.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458758474132-0.gif (169.64 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748301907.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758474132-1.gif (1.75 MB, 492x270, 82:45, 1458748304946.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758474132-2.gif (312.12 KB, 624x384, 13:8, 1458748337698.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758474132-3.gif (414.73 KB, 768x256, 3:1, 1458748365589.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458758718639-0.png (150.61 KB, 480x800, 3:5, 1458748365844.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758718639-1.gif (58.16 KB, 752x752, 1:1, 1458748377739.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758718639-2.gif (181.74 KB, 752x224, 47:14, 1458748398730.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758718639-3.gif (216.15 KB, 752x224, 47:14, 1458748459633.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458758871888-0.gif (282.17 KB, 752x224, 47:14, 1458748479983.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758871888-1.gif (121.19 KB, 640x322, 320:161, 1458748498268.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758871888-2.gif (309.12 KB, 760x224, 95:28, 1458748527172.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458758871888-3.gif (112.38 KB, 768x368, 48:23, 1458748545942.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458759016020-0.gif (367.11 KB, 623x224, 89:32, 1458748569714.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759016021-1.gif (276.72 KB, 750x224, 375:112, 1458748600714.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759016021-2.gif (126.98 KB, 768x368, 48:23, 1458748642364.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759016021-3.gif (114.29 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748670669.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458759145967-0.gif (1.13 MB, 640x512, 5:4, 1458748720499.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759145967-1.gif (177.57 KB, 752x224, 47:14, 1458748749867.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759145967-2.png (73.32 KB, 599x487, 599:487, 1458748761048.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759145967-3.gif (132.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1458748775325.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458759316964-0.gif (167.44 KB, 752x224, 47:14, 1458748802551.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759316964-1.gif (49.25 KB, 624x224, 39:14, 1458748849376.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759316964-2.gif (68.16 KB, 700x224, 25:8, 1458748874538.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458759316964-3.gif (141.97 KB, 640x384, 5:3, 1458748900345.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458760364144-0.gif (1.29 MB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748941886.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760364144-1.gif (170.18 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458748980628.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760364144-2.gif (177.15 KB, 752x224, 47:14, 1458749034648.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760364144-3.gif (112.16 KB, 800x336, 50:21, 1458749052467.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458760489225-0.gif (692.31 KB, 623x384, 623:384, 1458749089088.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760489225-1.gif (492.12 KB, 500x475, 20:19, 1458749111281.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760489225-2.gif (497.46 KB, 500x475, 20:19, 1458749135992.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760489225-3.gif (69.97 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 1458749187403.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458760769053-0.gif (2.9 MB, 1024x800, 32:25, 1458749222801.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760769053-1.gif (609.74 KB, 500x374, 250:187, 1458749225642.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760769053-2.gif (247.86 KB, 896x860, 224:215, 1458749236905.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760769053-3.gif (343.05 KB, 800x462, 400:231, 1458749260025.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458760931980-0.gif (851.25 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 1458749446505.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760931980-1.png (15.81 KB, 1099x618, 1099:618, 1458749458006.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760931980-2.gif (641.63 KB, 500x291, 500:291, 1458749482371.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458760931980-3.gif (139.58 KB, 500x290, 50:29, 1458749545233.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458761116916-0.gif (86.79 KB, 541x375, 541:375, 1458749587995.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761116916-1.gif (50.49 KB, 543x357, 181:119, 1458749612585.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761116916-2.jpg (39.7 KB, 760x405, 152:81, 1458749632297.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

File: 1458761116916-3.jpg (272.57 KB, 1600x530, 160:53, 1458749899954.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb


File: 1458761382393-0.png (188.75 KB, 500x339, 500:339, 1458750368297.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761382393-1.gif (51.21 KB, 800x400, 2:1, 1458750385492.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761382393-2.jpg (256.63 KB, 857x637, 857:637, 1458750577843.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

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File: 1458761519152-0.gif (261.97 KB, 1217x852, 1217:852, 1458751196362.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761519152-1.gif (1.42 MB, 567x306, 63:34, 1458751416664.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761519152-2.gif (138.92 KB, 1000x408, 125:51, 1458753259860.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761519152-3.gif (993.72 KB, 389x218, 389:218, 1458753369511.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458761643124-0.gif (21.73 KB, 640x190, 64:19, 1458754732346.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761643124-1.png (390.42 KB, 1191x842, 1191:842, 1458754934287.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761643124-2.png (261.1 KB, 1100x740, 55:37, 1458754976242.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458761643124-3.png (192.65 KB, 566x860, 283:430, 1458755023047.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


File: 1458762102398-0.png (300.95 KB, 1255x508, 1255:508, 1458755095562.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

File: 1458762102398-1.png (482.07 KB, 1192x842, 596:421, 1458755419368.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

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File: 1458762156234-3.jpg (18.04 KB, 236x249, 236:249, 1458756346586.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

that's the last of em

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