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File: 1444107671317.png (106.93 KB, 234x381, 78:127, 2015-07-26_00-22-05.png) ImgOps Google iqdb


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whats up with webms? You can't link the file directly or watch it on a separate page, just weird numbers/symbols come up if you try to open it in another tab.

Whats up with this?


File: 1444112573188.png (46.64 KB, 372x456, 31:38, Menu_501.png) ImgOps Google iqdb

Ok, this can be tricky if you don't play around with the menu items, but it works for both chrome-ish and mozilla-like browsers the same way:

On a webm's thumbnail, if you copy the link address for instance, you'll get the following. This passes the webm through a player file: https://sushigirl.tokyo/player.php?v=/tunes/src/1444087705547.webm&t=%E3%82%BD%E9%80%A3%E8%BB%8D%20The%20great%20power%20of%20soviet%20army%21.webm&loop=1

If you save video as... or open video in new tab, this will link directly to the webm, like so: https://sushigirl.tokyo/tunes/src/1444087705547.webm

Use the image attached as a guide: Upper part of the menu plays the webm/deals with a playable link to it through player.php, whereas the lower part links directly to the file itself for, say, download. I hope my wonky explanation helped!

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