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/archive/ - archived threads

the stash spot
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Remember to keep it cozy!

File: 1442645141585.png (6.34 KB, 536x293, 536:293, HtmlDemo.PNG) ImgOps Google iqdb


Thread archived.
You cannot reply.

Requesting at the very least spoilers to use in threads.


Second that!


**text format already exists you baka**


The current formatting options that exist as of today*, Anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi MMXV:

[u][/u] underlines text

[i][/i] italicizes text

[b][/b] bolds text

[strike][/strike] create a strikeout of text

[spoiler][/spoiler] is for spoilers

[header][/header] makes headers

[sup][/sup] creates a superscript3

[sub][/sub] creates a subscript; H2O or C13H16ClNO

*UPDATED 10/6/2015

I can add other formatting options at request, too :^)


Itamae-sama, can we have subscript and superscript formatting pls?


'''That''' is ''really'' **neat**!


File: 1442677127135.gif (598.13 KB, 400x550, 8:11, carmeldansenosaka.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

Done and done! Check >>14 for details.






Thanks! ^truly^ _the best_ ^admin^ _ever_ ^!^






you know _what_^would^ be _really_^cool^?


also what if I wanna show off my code?

if (a==b || c==d) do_stuff();

maybe we could escape them \== ?


forget it, I wanted to break your whole site and be the new master but it didn't work


Just testing a possible weirdness:

In January 80% of people ate sushi, but now it's only 70%.

Thanks itamae-kamisama


File: 1443949912128.jpg (83.88 KB, 600x999, 200:333, sushiya.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google iqdb

The way I had markup setup was absolutely pig disgusting and unstable, being activated when it wasn't intended, like in random links for instance, sooooooo… I did a thing.

Finally, you can now write in actual BBcode.

It's a dang miracle, Bobby.

Also added the strike tag for deleting striking out text.


File: 1445167687313.gif (175.32 KB, 600x399, 200:133, festa.gif) ImgOps Google iqdb

Thank you, based itamae-kamisama.

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